Back Updated Low-Carbon Roadmap for Agriculture


Updated Low-Carbon Roadmap for Agriculture


MTK and SLC published the updated scenarios and emission reduction estimates for agriculture's low-carbon roadmap. The updates build on the climate roadmap work from 2020, with the Natural Resources Institute Finland responsible for the analysis.

The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland commissioned various sectors to update their low-carbon roadmaps. For the agricultural sector, the updates are being undertaken by MTK and SLC. The comprehensive roadmap is divided under three main headlines: Agriculture and climate actions, Carbon market and agriculture, and Energy use and production in agriculture.

The original climate roadmap, published in 2020, provided guidelines for the climate work of Finnish agriculture, but the constantly changing operational environment created the need to update the scenarios and emissions reduction estimates.

"Finnish farmers produce food from field to table while also safeguarding their environment. The low-carbon roadmap is crucial for leveraging all the potential of agriculture and communicating it to other stakeholders. The roadmap serves as a guideline for the entire sector," stated Juha Marttila, the President of MTK.

Scenarios enable the evaluation of the effectiveness of various measures. Regarding the development of the roadmap, it is important to understand the overall picture of the sector.

"In all investments in agricultural climate work, it is essential to consider and support the profitability of farmers at the farm level. The updated climate roadmap by MTK and SLC provides tools for progressive and concrete climate action. Farmers are ready to do their part, if society ensures adequate incentives," said Mats Nylund, the President of SLC.

The low-carbon efforts of different sectors are based on voluntariness. In the process initiated by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, a total of 14 sectors are updating their pathways to low-carbon operations.

"No single sector can solve climate issues alone, but they cannot be solved without everyone doing their part. The roadmap comprehensively calculates the impacts of various measures, helping to keep the focus firmly on the future. Thanks for the comprehensive analysis of agriculture's state of affairs go above all to the Natural Resources Institute Finland," Marttila emphasized.